طريقة تلميع الأظافر المبرد الزجاجي المبرد الزجاجي تلميع الاظافر وتطويلها طريقة تبييض الأظافر لمعان الاظافر ملمع الأظافر الزجاجي مبرد الاظافر الزجاجي كيف المع ظفري طريقة برد الاظافر بالشكل المربع كيف اعتني بأظافري glass nail file. www.glassnailshiner.net glass Nail Glass Shiner File Nano Buffer Files Manicure Crystal Nude Art Care Durable Crystal Nail Shiner Nano Glass Nail Shiner Nano Crystal Nail Shiner Nano Crystal Glass Nail Shiner Nano Crystal Nail Files Nano Crystal Glass Nail Files Glitter Nail Magic Nail ملم
The Korean Box was established in 2014 by some of Korea Polytechnic University's students. The idea was to sell Korean products throgh the internet by using some applications such as Instegrasm and wotchat and others.
At the begining (for 2 years) we called this work "Eva Market" and we sold our products to Middle east and China only.
in 2016 we got the business licences and we called it "Roz Market" then we chang it in same year to " The Korean Box".
glass nail shiner ملمع الأظافر الزجاجي glass nail file. www.glassnailshiner.net glass Nail Glass Shiner File Nano Buffer Files Manicure Crystal Nude Art Care Durable
It is one of the Korean Box projects. it had been developed in Korea Polytechnic University.
The product will remove the dead cells from the top of the nail and make it shiny.
This product has many certificates as shown down:
Member of the Global Entrepreneurship.
Member of SBA Alien Entrepreneurship Center, Seoul Development Agency.
Entry into international market to Saudi Arabia, Italy, France, Egypt, Ghana, UAE, Turkey.
China market to Chongqing, Changsha, Hongkong, Qingdao, Kunming, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macao and we have authorized vendors china in both Kunming, Qingdao, Changsha , Chongqing.
SBA Hi Seoul Excellence Awards.
Enter the Encyclopedia 2018 Seoul Awards Global Sourcing Fair company.
Meet The Team
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